Having your own website definitely helps in making your business known on a much larger scale. It is an effective way to gain more customers, since you expose your brand and your products in cyberspace, where there are very few — sometimes, none at all — limitations. The only thing you have to consider is […]
In a nutshell: SEO techniques are still working, and you should not be focusing on your content alone. It is true that Google has made some changes in their search engine algorithm (the fourth major update of Penguin just happened, mind you) and it is still telling people to focus on content. However, it does […]
By doing a keyword research, you are able to find what people are searching for on the web, as well as how often they do so – particularly on Google. This is important in marketing because you’ll find out how much advertisers are willing to pay for the given keyword. This is an essential step […]
In a Twitter post, John Mueller confirmed all rumors about the complete elimination of Google’s PageRank from the public eye. PageRank was virtually the first Google algorithm used by the search engine giant to put itself on the map — and boy, was it successful. It allowed users to use Google from other search engines, […]
New sites tend to rely heavily on search engine rankings to obtain visitors, but even established sites could use a good boost in web ranking when their site traffic plateaus. Fortunately, whether you’ve just created your first WordPress site or have been running it for years, these topnotch SEO plugins should give your site better […]